Current Auctions

743 +/- Acres 4 Miles south of Pullman, WA

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Discover the Estate of Afton Jacobson, offering 743± acres of farmland just 4 miles south of Pullman, WA. This expansive property features 6 parcels, two including residences and outbuildings, providing exceptional opportunities for agriculture and rural living. We kindly request that you refrain from stopping at or approaching the residences on the property outside of the scheduled preview dates. This is to respect the privacy of the current occupants and ensure a smooth and professional process. Thank you for your understanding! More information will be coming soon. Listed by Western Real Estate Auctions, LLC & B2B LLC
Coming Soon

Cougar Canyon Rd Lots

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Located near Dayton, WA and the scenic Blue Mountains, these 4 parcels offer the perfect escape for all outdoor enthusiasts. Pre-auction offers welcomed! Listed by B2B LLC Butch & Cotton Booker 

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