200± Acres Latah County IDAHO Farmland - Booker2Bid.com

200± Acres Latah County IDAHO Farmland

200± Acres Latah County IDAHO Farmland

Looking for additional farmland…or searching for the perfect country escape...or great hunting opportunities?? Don’t miss out on the opportunities in this Latah County Farmland Multi-Parcel Auction.

These 2 parcels, 80± acres and 120± acres, have it all! Located a few miles southeast of Farmington, WA and minutes from McCroskey State Park (ID), the 2 parcels offer existing farmland, timber and potential for other outdoor endeavors.

Both parcels have been in Timothy; Parcel 2 also has a number of timber acres. 

Property will sell  in a multi-parcel online land auction opening October 30th and ending on November 2nd. Bid on one tract, bid on both, but bidding is the way to own this Idaho splendor.

Latah County, Idaho
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Parcel 1 = 80± acres
Lot 1: Parcel 1 = 80± acres
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Parcel 2 = 120± acres
Lot 2: Parcel 2 = 120± acres
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