
139+/- cropland acres 1 mile west of Latah, WA on E Ray & S Chapman Roads

Cash lease through the 2025 crop year Online-only bidding on Bidding opens Oct 15, 2020 at 10 am; closes Oct 20, 2020 at 2 pm On-site property preview Oct 12, 2-3 pm. Meet at the property. Listing Broker: C.D. "Butch" Booker, Auctioneer & Managing Broker

Abbreviated Terms & Conditions: 10% Buyer's Premium will be applied to the high bid to determine the final selling price.

Bidding requires: 1) “Proof of Ability to Close” (letter from lender or financial institution confirming you are a client in good standing OR a copy of a bank/investment statement); 2) a cashier’s check for bidder deposit of $5,000 made payable to "Theodore FS Rasmussen PS, Trust Account;" 3) approval to bid by going on the website and registering & requesting approval to bid. Mail letter/statement and cashier's check to Kincaid Real Estate, 809 N Main St, Colfax, WA 99111.

Purchase and Sale Agreement available upon request. Sale subject to Sellers’ confirmation. Successful internet bidders agree to complete and return a Purchase and Sale Agreement within 24 hours of close of auction. 10% earnest money due within two days of mutual acceptance of Purchase and Sale Agreement. Cash at closing Seller: Janson Enterprises